Ceramic train bookends
Small Lighthouse
Jack O'lantern with cat
Native American Man and Woman
Little girl dressed up as a witch
Ghost holding pumpkin
Native American Chiefs with eagle
Pumpkin Man
Owl on log
Squirrels on a Witch Hat
Fierce Owl
Cow Boy and Girl sitting on a log stump
Owl 1
Quail with holes -Not sure what for
Cherub Vase
Turkey Napkin Holders
Native American Totem Pole
Potato with Spoon Dish
Adobe Pot/Vase
Ghost/ Grim Reaper
Fish Dish
Cow Box
Lighthouse Dish
Little Heart Vase
Garfield Cat
Egg Holder
Pumpkin Scarecrow
Large Urn
Hat Vase
Santa with Sack Container
Mini Manger Scene (Nativity)
Snowman Vase
Granny watching over you
Angel Napkin Holder
Christmas Tree Napkin Holder
Santa Napkin Holder
Sunflower Plaque
Christmas Ornament with snow scene
Christmas Ornament with church
Santa in Decoration Box
Leaf Plate/ Wall Plaque
Santa Boot Ornament